Health Advocate

Tune in to our free webinars

The world around us continues to change at a rapid pace. We’ve created our ongoing webinar series to regularly provide timely strategies and insights to help you and your family effectively tackle new challenges, whether at home, at work, or elsewhere.

Below, register for our upcoming webinars and browse our on-demand library of past webinars.

On-demand webinar replays

Depression Anxiety and Burnout Webinar thumbnail

Join us for a free webinar with guest presenter Angela Dobrzysnki, LPC, where we’ll explore the definitions of depression, anxiety, and burnout. We’ll discuss their signs and symptoms and provide strategies for seeking help when necessary.

Understanding Forgiveness webinar thumbnail

Understanding Forgiveness
Recorded February 20, 2025

During this webinar with guest presenter Angela Dobrzysnki, LPC, we’ll discuss how holding onto anger hurts us, how anger and resentment manifest in our minds and bodies, and how to take concrete steps toward lasting forgiveness. We’ll offer skills and tools for a more peaceful mindset.

Hitting the Reset Button: Goal Setting Webinar thumbnail

Hitting the Reset Button: Goal Setting
Recorded January 18, 2024

Join us for this powerful webinar to discuss how to proactively create goals and routines that can strengthen our mental health and well-being as we move forward into 2024

Strengthening Your Relationships Webinar Replay

Strengthening Relationships
Recorded February 8, 2024

Join us for this webinar to learn strategies to address potential issues early on in order to sustain healthy and loving connections with partners and loved ones.

Avoiding Tax Filing Fraud webinar replay

Avoiding Tax Filing Fraud
Recorded March 14, 2024

In this special webinar, guest presenter Chris Shelton, a Fraud Resolution Specialist, will discuss the warning signs of tax-related fraud and share tips on safely filing your taxes.

Caring for Caregivers Webinar

Caring for Caregivers
Recorded April 18, 2024

During this webinar, we discuss coping mechanisms and other strategies designed to promote optimal well-being while engaged in caregiving.

Mental Health and Me webinar replay

Mental Health and Me
Recorded May 16, 2024

Join us for this webinar to explore strategies to manage our mental/emotional health as well as utilize available resources to help. We will also take a look at early warning signs to seek help and techniques to maintain positive mental health and wellness.

Supporting Your Kids-Identifying and Addressing Signs of Stress_thumbnail

During this webinar, we’ll discuss how to identify signs of stress in children of all ages and share strategies to support them through challenging times.

Social Media Privacy_thumbnail

Social Media Privacy
Recorded July 18, 2024

In this special webinar, guest presenter Chris Shelton, a Fraud Resolution Specialist, will discuss how oversharing can endanger personal and financial safety.

Finding the Time & Energy to be Both a Parent and a Professional Webinar Replay

During this webinar, we’ll discuss how to identify signs of stress in children of all ages and share strategies to support them through challenging times.


Coping with Grief and Loss
Recorded September 19, 2024

Join us for a special webinar to look at the factors that influence grieving and when/where to find additional support, including tips for coping with grief.

English Replay  |  Spanish Replay

Domestic Violence Awareness webinar thumbnail

Domestic Violence Awareness
Recorded October 10, 2024

Join us for this webinar to better understand this important issue, how to identify an abusive relationship, and where to find resources to help those affected.

Holiday Game Plan: Handling Holiday Stress webinar thumbnail

Holiday Game Plan: Handling Holiday Stress
Recorded November 14, 2024

Join us for this brief webinar to explore strategies and begin creating your own game plan to reduce and manage stress for a calmer and brighter holiday season.

Power of the Positive: Cultivating Optimism Webinar thumbnail

During this webinar, we’ll discuss ways to cultivate authentic optimism that enhances resiliency and helps individuals and groups navigate change. We’ll also discuss what optimism is and is not and, ultimately, how to put it to work to promote more positivity in others.

Hitting the Reset Button: Goal Setting

Hitting the Reset Button: Goal Setting
Recorded January 19, 2023

Join us for this brief webinar to discuss how to proactively create goals and routines that can strengthen our mental health and well-being as we move forward into 2023.

Food for Thought: What's impacting your food choices

Join guest presenter Zoë Kobrin, MSN, MSW, ACC, a nutritionist and certified health coach, to explore your relationship with food.

Avoiding Tax Filing Fraud

Avoiding Tax Filing Fraud
Recorded March 16, 2023

Join us for a special webinar with guest presenter, Chris Shelton, a Fraud Resolution Specialist, to learn more about the warning signs of tax-related fraud and explore tips on safely filing your taxes this year.

The Good the Bad and the Cumulative: Is All Stress Equal Webinar

In this webinar, Jeff Gorter, MSW, LCSW, R3 Continuum’s Vice President of Crisis Response Clinical Service, will examine the different kinds of stress, how to recognize and manage stress within yourself, and how to seek help when you need it.

Mental Health and Me webinar thumbnail

Mental Health and Me
Recorded May 18, 2023

Join us for this webinar to explore strategies to manage our mental/emotional health as well as utilize available resources to help. We will also take a look at early warning signs to seek help and techniques to maintain positive mental health and wellness.

Finding Harmony: Balancing being a Parent and a Professional webinar thumbnail

Join us for this brief webinar to learn and discuss the realities of the modern working landscape for parents and how to approach balance in a new, more successful way.

Managing Privacy on Social Media webinar thumbnail

Managing Privacy on Social Media
Recorded July 20, 2023

Join us for this webinar to explore strategies to manage our mental/emotional health as well as utilize available resources to help. We will also take a look at early warning signs to seek help and techniques to maintain positive mental health and wellness.

Purposefully Pursuing the Next Normal webinar thumbnail

For Managers and Supervisors

Join us for a special webinar with guest presenter Jeff Gorter, MSW, LCSW, to explore practical strategies for managers and supervisors to overcome challenges and improve their employees’ well-being, crisis hardiness, and productivity.

Coping with Grief and Loss webinar thumbnail

Coping with Grief and Loss
Recorded September 21, 2023

Join us for a special webinar with guest presenter Angela Dobrzysnki, LPC, to look at the factors that influence grieving and when/where to find additional support, including tips for coping with acute and ongoing grief.

Domestic Violence Awareness Webinar thumbnail

Domestic Violence Awareness
Recorded October 19, 2023

Join us for this webinar to better understand this important issue, how to identify an abusive relationship, and where to find resources to help those affected.

Avoiding Holiday Shopping Fraud Webinar thumbnail

Avoiding Holiday Shopping Fraud
Recorded November 9, 2023

Join us for a special webinar discussing fraudster targeted information, common tactics, best safety practices, and what to do if you find yourself the victim of identity fraud. Protecting yourself and minimizing your risk will help ensure you can enjoy a happy holiday season.

Your Holiday Game Plan Webinar thumbnail

Join us for this brief webinar to explore strategies and create your own game plan to reduce and manage stress for a calmer and brighter holiday season.

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Hitting the Reset Button: Goal Setting
Recorded January 13, 2022

This webinar discusses how to proactively create goals and routines that can strengthen our mental health and well-being as we move forward into 2022.

Join us for this webinar to learn tips to increase your tolerance and improve your communications with coworkers and customers, contributing to a more enjoyable and respectful culture.

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Strengthening Your Relationships
Recorded February 10, 2022

This webinar discusses actionable ideas to sustain healthy and long-lasting relationships, both personal and professional, even in our current environment.

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For Managers and Supervisors

This webinar explores strategies to help leaders adapt to ongoing changes and effectively lead their teams forward, whether remote, hybrid or in the workplace.

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Caring for the Caregivers
Recorded March 10, 2022

This webinar discusses coping mechanisms and other strategies designed to promote optimal well-being while engaged in caregiving.

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Join us for this webinar to learn how to calmly manage others’ heightened emotions and stay centered while diffusing negative outbursts.

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Budgeting for Your Financial Future
Recorded April 21, 2022

Join us for this brief webinar from our financial partner My Secure Advantage® (MSA) to learn more about strategies for creating a spending plan and practical tips for sticking to it.

Co-Workers and Mental Health Webinar thumbnail

In this webinar, Tyler Arvig PsyD, LP, R3 Continuum Associate Medical Director, will share advice to help employees respectfully and effectively support the mental health of those around them.

Success Strategies for Hybrid Workers Webinar thumbnail

Success Strategies for Hybrid Workers
Recorded June 16, 2022

This webinar explores strategies to manage the demands of a hybrid schedule while maintaining a healthy work/life balance.

Back-to-School: Setting Our Kids and Families Up for Success Webinar thumbnail

This webinar explores how to establish and maintain new routines and identify areas of concern among kids to help them effectively navigate the upcoming school year.

Empowering-Yourself: How You Can Be a Catalyst for Change in the Workplace Webinar Thumbnail

In this webinar, Tyler Arvig, PsyD, LP, R3 Continuum Associate Medical Director, will share insights on how to advocate for causes you are passionate about, discuss difficult topics with leadership, be a workplace champion, and ultimately become a catalyst for change within your workplace.

Depression, Anxiety and Burnout: Moving Toward Hope and Health Webinar

Join us for this webinar to understand how to identify and cope with these challenges and how to seek help when needed.

Mindfulness: An Experiential Workshop

Mindfulness: An Experiential Workshop
Recorded October 20, 2022

In this webinar, we will review the key principles of mindfulness and guide participants through real-life exercises that demonstrate its impact on many different stressors, challenges and situations.

Your Holiday Game Plan: Handling Holiday Stress

Join us for this brief webinar to explore strategies and create your own game plan to reduce and manage stress for a calmer and brighter holiday season.

Avoiding Holiday Shopping Fraud Webinar

Avoiding Holiday Shopping Fraud
Recorded December 1, 2022

This special webinar with guest presenter, Chris Shelton, a Fraud Resolution Specialist, discusses fraudster targeted information, common tactics, best safety practices, and what to do if you find yourself the victim of identity fraud.

Setting Realistic Goals for a New Kind of Year - cover

This webinar discusses how to create goals and routines that can strengthen our mental health and well-being as we move forward into 2021.

Improving Overall Well-being - cover

This webinar explores how to make choices to feel your best, even during times of stress. We will discuss how exercise can improve mood as well as creative ways to stay active despite current challenges.

Maintaining Healthy Relaionships in Tough Times - cover

This webinar explores strategies to sustain healthy and long-lasting relationships, both personal and professional, even in our current, challenging environment.

Finding the Right Balance Between Work and Life - cover

This webinar discusses both daily tips and long-term strategies to find the work/life balance that works for you and minimize stress in the process.

Finding Balance in a Digitally Driven World - cover

This webinar discusses ways to better understand this modern dilemma and explore strategies to find more balance and avoid technology burnout.

Managing Addictive Behaviors with Healthy Coping Strategies - cover

This webinar discusses how to identify potential issues that can lead to addiction and explore effective coping strategies to manage stressful situations

Supporting Your Kids Identifying and Addressing Signs of Stress - cover

This webinar discusses how to identify signs of stress in kids and explore how to support them through challenging times.

Let's Talk About Mental Health and Emotional Well-Being - cover

This webinar during Mental Health Awareness Month discusses how to identify and cope with challenges and how to seek help when needed.

Caregivers: Avoiding Burnout and Coping with Compassion Fatigue - cover

This webinar discusses coping mechanisms and other strategies designed to promote optimal well-being while engaged caregiving, either in your profession or for a loved one.

Working Well With Different Personality Styles - cover

This discussion explores effective techniques to bridge personality differences and find common ground to enhance communication and productivity.

Emotional Intelligence The Secret Superpower - cover

This webinar discusses how we relate to and support others, and shares strategies to bring more awareness to our emotional competencies and hone those skills.

Managing Mental Health During Times of Social Change - cover

This webinar aims to help gain a better understanding of the effects of racial trauma, and learn how to better support those affected.

Returning to Workplaces - cover

This webinar explores future planning strategies to adapt to our changing environment and related stressors in the weeks and months ahead.

Back-to-School Setting Our Families Up For Success - cover

This webinar explores how to establish new routines and identify areas of concern among kids to help them effectively navigate the upcoming school year.

Strengthening Relationships to Navigate Challenges - cover

This webinar explores strategies to maintain healthy and long-lasting relationships, both personal and professional, even in our current, challenging environment.

Finding Balance in Busy Lives - cover

Finding Balance in Busy Lives
Recorded September 16, 2021

This webinar discusses daily tips and long-term strategies to find the work/life balance that works for you and minimize stress in the process.

Depression Anxiety and Burnout - cover

Join us for this discussion during National Depression Awareness Month to understand how to identify and cope with these challenges and how to seek help when needed.

Understanding and Preventing Domestic Violence - cover

This webinar, recorded during Domestic Violence Awareness Month, discusses this important topic and strategies to help support those affected.

Overcoming Test Anxiety - cover

Overcoming Test Anxiety
Recorded November 4, 2021

This webinar shares strategies to both avoid and cope with test anxiety, which can be applied to professional and academic environments for you or the students in your life.

Managing Holiday Stress - cover

Managing Holiday Stress
Recorded November 18, 2021

This webinar explores strategies to reduce and manage stress for a calmer and brighter holiday season.

Avoiding Holiday Shopping Fraud - cover

Avoiding Holiday Shopping Fraud
Recorded December 2, 2021

This special webinar with guest presenter, Chris Shelton, a Fraud Resolution Specialist, discusses fraudster targeted information, common tactics, best safety practices, and what to do if you find yourself the victim of identity fraud.

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Extreme Self-Care: Mindfulness
Recorded December 16, 2021

This webinar discusses how to practice mindfulness to reduce stress, prevent burnout, and manage tough situations in a productive and healthy way.